Hello everyone, I realize it has been quite a few months since Troy and I have posted anything on our blog, well it's because we are not very exciting people and never really have anything to post. Well this week I discovered that I had a small piece of glass stuck in my foot from a larger piece I stepped on about a month ago. I tried to get it out myself, and I even had dad and mom try poking at it, but they weren't able to get it either. Lucky for me I work for an ankle and foot doctor. He looked and wasnt going to be able to find it unless he cut my foot all up with a knife, so we opted to get it out with a small tool that looked something like a clam gun. After he poked my foot with a needle a thousand times to numb it he finally pulled a cylinder out of it finding the tiniest piece of glass I've ever seen. Who knew something so small could hurt so bad. So this is what the aftermath of the tiny clam gun did to my foot. I hope you are all disgusted because I know I sure am. For now, that is all that is new at the Glidden house